Visit the ThotBot Implantation Center
Is your ThotBot Glitched? Do you need an operating system reboot? Protect your Value. Maximize your Redemption. Does your Tranquilityâ„¢ setting need adjusting? Don't you want to feel great again? Are you ready to be Implanted for the first time? Visit us for all your brain implant needs. The ULTRA is accepting reservations for FEBRUARY appointments at your local ThotBot Implantation Center (TBIC). Scroll down to the calendar for available dates.
As procedures can often take longer than expected if a Bot has particularly tenacious memories or emotions, The ULTRA has outfitted the TBIC waiting rooms with activities and informative media designed to keep nervous patients calm and distracted. An ULTRA Tech will facilitate the completion of intake forms but is not permitted to otherwise communicate. Please save questions for the exam room.
7:00 PM Waiting Room
8:00 PM Intermission
9:00 PM Intake Interview
Soon, all you will need is to Comply, Add Value, Redeem!
This interactive installation, designed for an audience of twelve per event, is located in a storefront at Bow Market in Somerville, MA. The night includes a self-directed exploration of the ThotBot Implantation Center Waiting Room, an intermission to reconfigure the space while attendees are invited to discover Bow Market (shops, a brewery, a wine bar, eateries, etc), and closes with an a/v concert featuring live music and narrative video. This is but one Episode in the elaborate and sprawling dystopia created by musician/filmmaker/multimedia artist Rebecca Kopycinski. Check out the podcast, After Impact, on all streaming platforms if you want enter the ThotBot Storyverse now. Questions? Email me at